Linked Hybrid | Beijing, China (2009)

AIA New York Chapter Sustainable Design Merit Award (2008)



– Site restauration from past industrial function

– System saves 2,110,000 degrees of energy usage / year

– Represents up to 80% of energy savings compared to conventional heating and cooling systems

– 1kW/h of power used renders 6.5 kW/h and 5.5kW/h of heating and cooling respectively

– Hybrid buildings combine living, working, culture & commerce

– Recycled grey water system connects all apartments to ultra-violet zap for clear central landscape pools

– Radiant slab (for heating and colling) along with underfloor air distribution system reduce mechanical equipment sizing and energy consumption

– Geothermal heating & cooling (largest geothermal array in China, 2009; 660 wells 100m deep)

– Provides more green landscape to public than building footprint. A high-performance building envelope includes external shading systems that minimize solar heat gain and reduces overall cooling loads