The Terezín Ghetto Museum planning proceeds. Director Jan Roubinek states that the museum is “a witness to past lives and tragedies, but also to courage and hope. The existing exhibition was created more than 20 years ago and the museum itself no longer meets operational and capacity needs. We have therefore decided to proceed with a complete reconstruction. The former school building, later the boys’ heim, becomes an exhibit itself in the design by architects Marcela Steinbachová and Steven Holl. The planned extension is directly inspired by the painting Earth seen from the Moon by former heim resident Petr Ginz. Together with the building transformation, we will also completely rework the inside exhibition, and I am personally looking forward to presenting both to the public after completion.” Roubinek concludes, “I believe that we are headed in the right direction and that both structures will bring great benefits to Terezin.”
Read the feature in Archinect.